Monday, January 25, 2010


A spending freeze??? I thought, wait...what? Obama has done nothing but SPEND MONEY since he got into office using the economy as an excuse for billions being spent wastefully. And now this:

For those who don't know, Scott Brown (a Republican, and a conservative) was elected into the Senate from the citizens of Massachusetts. Background: Massachusetts is probably the most liberal state in the US. The seat that Brown won was previously occupied by Senator Ted Kennedy who was probably the most liberal Senator in the US. This happened just one year after the Democrats swept into power in the 2008 election.

During his campaign Obama was very negative about spending freezes which was something McCain was in favor of. I bet Obama never thought he would be proposing one after just one year in office.

In my opinion, this 'spending freeze' is a direct reaction to Brown winning. The Dems are scared, especially because this is an election year. This is the first of many reactions that will occur this next year, thank you've got Washington listening for the first time in one year.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

THE BIRTH OF OUR LITTLE GIRL...according to me

I have felt nothing but joy these past two days. Well, more than joy...but joy seems to be the adjective that describes most of the emotions I have felt. I'm sure Monica could be more creative with some words that she could think of to describe the last two days, including the delivery. :) The whole experience has gone beautifully. Mom is healthy, baby is healthy, epidural worked, I'm healthy, epidural worked, kids are in good hands (thanks Miriam), epidural worked, everyone is coming home tomorrow, and oh, the epidural worked.

I have felt the Spirit in abundance during this whole process. Even more so than with Aiden and Sofie. Not that this birth is any more special, but for some reason...the Spirit has touched me during the whole process, and at times, overwhelmed's an example...

Monica had progressed to a nine and the nurse repositioned her hoping to help the cervix. About twenty minutes passed and the nurse was talking like she was going to check again. She gloved up and the Spirit entered the room. It overcame me, and I knew it was time. I felt like heaven was telling me, "she's yours". At that very moment Dr. Turner entered the room and checked Monica. She told us it was time and got all suited up. Within a couple of minutes Monica was pushing, four contractions and 9 lbs later we met our baby. It was incredible. Breathtaking.

As I have held this precious girl over the past couple days I have been so inspired. She has a purity that makes me want to be better. She has an innocence that edifies. She has a beauty unlike anything else. As I have held her I have been reminded of a scripture. Moses 1:39..."For behold, this is my work and my glory-to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man."

When I hold her I feel a love more pure and a connection so strong, that eternal is the only word that comes close to describing it. The thought, the unbearable thought, that she will have the agency in this life to live unworthy to be a part of our eternal family is too much, too painful. So I know why Heavenly Father's work and glory is to bring this girl back to Him, because that connection and love I feel for this little girl He feels. Except he feels it times a billion, and for each of us.

I had no idea that our family was missing someone, until yesterday. It feels like she belongs, and she does. So baby girl, welcome to this world. Welcome to this home, and know that you are loved...times a billion.

P.S. You may have noticed we are still not 100% on a name, thus the over usage of "baby girl".

P.P.S. I am refraining from sharing all the details for I will surely get something wrong, I'm sure more details will be included in a future Monica post.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Free Cell Phones With Your Taxes

Socialism knows no bounds. Your taxes are paying for free cell phones for other people. I'm telling you, if we accept a little socialism we open ourselves up for garbage like this.

"[A] rigid economy of the public contributions and absolute interdiction of all useless expenses will go far towards keeping the government honest and unoppressive." --Thomas Jefferson, letter to Marquis de Lafayette, 1823 (italics added)

I'm pretty sure free cell phones fall under the 'useless expenses' category.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


"We must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt." --Thomas Jefferson, letter to Samuel Kercheval, 1816

Perpetual means long-lasting, and continuing without interruption...pretty sure we have more perpetual debt than Thomas Jefferson could have ever imagined.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Years!

This quote hit home for me, 2010 will be a year of change for the Scott family. The following is from a talk given by Elder Holland in a BYU devotional address January 13, 2009:

"Some of you may wonder: Is there any future for me? What does a new year or a new semester, a new major or a new romance, a new job or a new home hold for me? Will I be safe? Will life be sound? Can I trust in the Lord and in the future? Or would it be better to look back, to go back, to stay in the past?

"To all such of every generation, I call out, "Remember Lot's wife." Faith is for the future. Faith builds on the past but never longs to stay there. Faith trusts that God has great things in store for each of us and that Christ truly is the "high priest of good things to come" (Hebrews 9:11).

"Keep your eyes on your dreams, however distant and far away. Live to see the miracles of repentance and forgiveness, of trust and divine love that will transform your life today, tomorrow, and forever. That is a new Year's resolution I ask you to keep."