Monday, March 29, 2010

Inspired Constitution

"It is impossible for the man of pious reflection not to perceive in it [the Constitution] a finger of that Almighty hand which has been so frequently and signally extended to our relief in the critical stages of the revolution." --James Madison, Federalist No. 37

Most believe this, that the constitution was inspired of God. Why then do we so frequently throw it under the bus? The founders intent was NOT a big federal government. They wanted the states to be in charge. The federal government's power was severely limited in the constitution...and now they are regulating health care! Where will it end?

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Government is Bad for Business

Another example of how big government is bad for an economy.

Most people don't know that when an employer gives and employee a paycheck, they are sending part of their paycheck to the government. There are 'hidden' taxes that employers have to pay, it's not quite as painful for the employee if the employer pays it right? Wrong. Here is an article that describes this in more detail, it's actually interesting. And the figures they use vary by state and can be even worse than they are illustrating (for states like California for example).

Friday, March 26, 2010

Health Care Reform

To be honest, I haven't followed this whole health care thing very closely. I got turned off to the issue last year when I realized that this was all the Democrats actually cared about getting done, and that they were going to get it done no matter how much Americans don't want it.

They have tried to tell us that this reform will save the government, and us, money. They show us numbers of anticipated savings...what I fear is the unanticipated. There is no telling the adverse consequences of all these mandates on private insurance companies. They say that because more healthy people will be required to get insurance, this will lower the costs for everyone. What they don't focus so much on is the increase in expenses the insurance companies will have because of these new rules and regulations. Does the government care if private insurance becomes unaffordable? No, this will create a demand for a public option which is what we all know the government is dying to provide. So we see, that all this is is a step towards socialized medicine. No, this is not the last piece of health care reform legislation that any of us will see in our lifetime.

And where's the tort reform? So is this never going to happen? If it was going to happen you think it would have been included in this legislation. Really? Unbelievable.

In Obama's campaign for presidency he promised many times, and in different ways, that he would be transparent and accountable to the people. This health care reform has been anything but those things. The Dems quickly realized that the more transparent this reform was, the less popular it became. Here is a clip talking about this very thing, from CNN mind you.

Here is another clip addressing an entirely different approach, one that is seldom talked about anymore. How is a federal health care reform mandate constitutional? Short answer: it's not. Seven minute and twenty-nine second answer from Judge Andrew Napolitano: