Thursday, August 6, 2009

My Response to a Stranger

I have no idea who this is that wrote this and he doesn't know me, but I had to respond to him...but don't know him well enough to do it to him directly. So here it is.

His quote (speaking about the economic crisis and Obama's stimulus package):

"Inaction would be much worse than Action. Do you not see that? Many economists have blatantly stated that we needed "more" stimulus money; they blamed Obama for not putting enough into the system. These are economists speaking..the ones that deal with numbers, not politicians."

Okay, first...there are such things as liberal economists. The majority of economists saw right through the stimulus package and predicted it would do nothing to 'stimulate' the economy, and that it would actually do more harm than good.

The way you phrase 'they blamed Obama for not putting enough into the system' makes me shiver with disgust. First of all, let's be clear. The government has NOTHING to 'put' into the system. The government can TAKE and then give back what was ours to begin with. The government creates no income, the government has no money except what they take out of the economy in the form of taxes. What the government has is OURS. They cannot create wealth and then 'put' it into the economy. They can take wealth out, dilute it, then put it back into our country as they see fit. Got it?

So no, inaction would not be worse than action. You are wrong. So there. (I am now sticking my tongue out at the computer screen) I really do feel better, this was very therapeutic.

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